I woke up yesterday morning to the news that overnight my headshot of Andrew was selected as 'Headshot of the Week' by The Headshot Crew. This is my second time 'winning' this and I am just as thrilled to have had one of my images selected again in this competitive weekly competition. Headshot Crew is an international group of headshot specialist photographers from all around the world. There are many thousands of active members, and the group is headed by leading headshot photographer Peter Hurley. Peter reviews the images each work, critiques them, and nominates a winning headshot. This process is a great learning experience for all involved, and allows us all to keep improving our work and maintain a sophisticated contemporary edge in our work.
The reviews are done in a live broadcast 'Spreecast' which is often on at less-than-friendly times for those of us in Australia. I missed this week's broadcast as I was tucked away asleep for a precious few hours after being an a film set for quite a few night shoots. It was lovely to wake up to the news and see this shot of Andrew acknowledged as a solid headshot.
Thanks very much to the community in the Headshot Crew, and especially to Peter Hurley for his fussy and raw ongoing critiques of my work as I develop as a specialist headshot photographer..